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How To Make A Good Confession

How To Make A Good Confession

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A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation with God

How to make your Confessions less difficult and more fruitful

This slim volume:

  • Includes a whopping 17-page examination of conscience--always opens my eyes and the list is written so as not to destroy the innocence of a teen while being clear to an adult (if you know what I mean)
  • Details the three essential elements to a good confession
  • Lists the steps of an ordinary confession (who says what when)
  • Provides three Acts of Contrition you can carry with you into the confessional

And Father Kane shows you how -- before you ever enter the confessional -- you can awaken in yourself those attitudes of mind that will enable you to quickly identify your sins (particularly the hidden ones), grow truly sorry for them, and do your penance as God wants it done.

Better yet: he shows you how sustaining these attitudes in your soul between confessions will protect you from new sins and ward off the worry and discouragement that afflict us all.

Get Fr. Kane's help to confess well and avoid sin:

  • One truth you must realize, or you'll never drive sin from your soul
  • Two reasons why God forgives sin, but still punishes the sinner
  • Three characteristics of the truly forgiven sinner: do you have them?
  • Your past sins: startling ways they can help you love God more today
  • True repentance and its counterfeits: three ways to find the genuine article
  • How to tell whether you're sorry for your sins โ€” even if you don't feel sorry
  • The embarrassment of going to Confession โ€” how it can actually help you imitate Christ!
  • The heavy price of your sins: no, you probably don't realize it, and yes, it's worse than you think
  • Why hating sin does not mean hating the sinner
  • Why true saints will always consider themselves sinners
  • Sorrow for sin: how it deepens your compassion for others
  • How to take advantage of Lent each year to overcome your sins
  • And much more that will help you get more spiritual fruit out of Confession than you may even have thought was possible!

"It is a great thing to make a good confession, and this is a good book about how to do it."
Fr. George William Rutler

"This magnificent handbook helps you deepen your repentance and make it lasting. Don't go to Confession without it!"
Patrick Madrid

"Teaches us not only how to go to Confession, but also how to stir up sentiments of repentance and purpose of amendment that are necessary to receive the sacrament fruitfully. Worth reading again and again."
Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J.

"Can help a person get into the salutary habit of a regular celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation."
Fr. Romanus Cessario, O.P.

"A marvelous book. Can provide spiritual nourishment throughout the whole process of repentance, confession, and spiritual growth."
Fr. Mitchell Pacwa, S.J.

"A welcome blessing. It offers a fine examination of conscience, ideally presented to meet today's needs."
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.

Sturdy Leatherette binding, 5x7"
Pages: 144
Author: Father John A. Kane

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