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Saint Cecilia: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]

Saint Cecilia: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]

Regular price $8.50
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Cecilia, Saint of the Catacombs - The Story of Saint Cecilia: Teaches the virtues of purity, courage, and faithfulness through persecution.


Allow your children to be inspired by these stories of the lives of the saints. Watch as your children's imaginations are captured as they listen to these professionally produced dramatizations. The Glory Stories tell the true stories of the lives of holy people of God and are catechetical and entertaining (to both children and adults)! Every story teaches a truth of the Catholic Faith and listeners get to know saints who set inspiring examples for youngsters to emulate in their early walk of Faith.

 IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have purchased these downloads, you will receive an email with a link to download them to your computer. From there, you can upload them to any listening device you own!

Run time approx. 30 minutes


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St. Cecilia Sample


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Customer Reviews

Based on 41 reviews
Colleen Adams

My grandchildren are enjoying these Glory Stories as much as my children did! What a blessing y'all have been to our lives!


I was thrilled with Glory Story Vol 5 and I can't wait to collect them all!


I ordered this after the kids and I listened to the CD of Blessed Imelda and St. Juan Diego and they had played a preview of St. Cecilia. My 5yo son kept asking if could get "volume 5". Both stories of the saints were very well done; they held my and my son's attention! And the interview at the end by Jake and his mom of St. Kateri's intercession was amazing to say the least! Glory Stories has really inspired me in learning more about the saints and their uniqueness in how they showed their love of Christ but even more important for me is this has opened a door for my children to capture their interest in learning about the saints and their love for the Lord!

meagan dixon

I loved them so much I buy them for all my God Children

April Hartman

My 4 year old son absolutely loves listening to these! They are perfect for car rides or just story time. I highly recommend them to everyone!