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The Children of Fatima: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]

The Children of Fatima: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]

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This is the story that loyal Glory Stories fans have asked us to produce more than any other!

Through the dramatic true story of three little children from Fatima, Portugal, and their visitors from Heaven, today's children will be inspired to pray and sacrifice to save souls.

One mom told us: "My kids (4, 3, and 2) want to hear this CD over and over again. When they play, I often hear them repeating lines from the story. I love that they know this wonderful story. Our family has been blessed by the Glory Stories!"

Allow your children to be inspired by these stories of the lives of the saints. Watch as your children's imaginations are captured as they listen to these professionally produced dramatizations. The Glory Stories tell the true stories of the lives of holy people of God and are catechetical and entertaining (to both children and adults)! Every story teaches a truth of the Catholic Faith and listeners get to know saints who set inspiring examples for youngsters to emulate in their early walk of Faith.

BONUS AUDIO: How and why to make the Five First Saturdays Devotion with your family.

In this Glory Story you will hear:

... the actual words of the angel and Our Lady ...

... the actual recollections and thoughts of Sister Lucia when she recorded everything she remembered...

... the prayers, the holy practices, and the words of Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco as Sister Lucia related them in her letters ...and more!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have purchased this download, you will receive an email with a link to download it to your computer. From there, you can upload it to any listening device you own!

Run time approx. 62 minutes

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Children of Fatima Sample

Educational Guide


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Customer Reviews

Based on 47 reviews
Maria Elena Gomez

My boys truly enjoy listening to Glory Stories and are learning about the Saints. I've purchased several of the stories because my son's ask me if there are more stories to listen too. Well put together.

Margaret Gerondal

Beautiful story! My children ages 3 and 9 learned so much from this story and they love it so much they ask for it every time we get in the car.


We love Glory Stories and this did not disappoint. I gave it to my children as a surprise during a long road trip and we ended up listening to it 3 times in one day!

Jenny Borter

Children love listening to this


I am lucky to watch my grandchildren two days a week. We travel by car and I am privileged to hear bits of conversation from the backseat. My niece gave these grandchildren "Secrets from Heaven". Wow! Not only have they learned very well the story of Our Lady of Fatima, they have developed a desire to "offer" sacrifices to God. I believe this Glory Story (and the several others they have listened to frequently) has given them a window into Catholic culture and has begun to develop a spirituality worthy of little "saints in training" for the glory of God. Isn't that something the world can use today? Children today see and hear so much that is well beyond their ability to understand. Why not provide children you love with something of lasting value? These Glory Stories are well done, engaging stories that do not minimize virtue and faith. I highly recommend them as a vehicle to use to pass on a living faith to your children and grandchildren.