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Summer Faith Adventure Early Access

Summer Faith Adventure Early Access

Regular price €39,95
Regular price Sale price €39,95
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Are you a Faith Formation teacher, parish education department head, club leader, home school parent, or anyone else who needs to plan ahead? Or do you just want full access to all the Summer Faith Adventure activity sheets, videos, quizzes, and Leader's information all from one source so you can use the program on your schedule rather than waiting for daily emails?

If this is you, we have the product you've been waiting for!! With Summer Faith Adventure Early Access, our Catholic Vacation Bible School videos, downloads, and activities are now available to you all at once; no more waiting for the daily emails to gain access. You'll receive an email after purchase with the full SFA program.

And you'll have UNLIMITED printing rights for your organization!

When you purchase Summer Faith Adventure Early Access, you will receive an email with the content shortly after your purchase.

With Summer Faith Adventure Early Access you'll receive:

  • Access to over 40 short videos with the day's information, crafts, stories, games, recipes, and much more!
  • Summer Faith Adventure Activity Book download. Over 50 pages of activities.
  • Summer Faith Adventure Leader's Guide download with all the information you need to run the program.

By receiving Summer Faith Adventure early, you'll be able to review, prepare and print materials so you'll be ready to present the daily content to your children.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Dear Holy Heroes Family, your Summer Faith Adventure is an awesome resuorce stuffed with plenty of genuine Catholic content and flexible suggestions. It is what I was looking for. Although English is not our mothertongue, the whole family follows videos, gets contents and activities - the children need a little help in traslating into Italian! Thank you for showing how the Catholic Church is universal.


My kids and I had so much fun with Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure! It's a five-day, Catholic VBS for kids of all ages that can be done in the comfort of your own home or backyard. Easy to follow instructions, links to videos, and print-outs for kid-friendly recipes, games, crafts and other activities are sent to you by email. You can even adjust the dates to fit a week that best works with your schedule, and move indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. The supplies needed are things you probably already have in your house. I am so glad I signed up for this - we had a great week and 100% recommend !