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Catholics and the Rapture CD

Catholics and the Rapture CD

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By Patrick Madrid & Carl Olson

Their co-authors, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, base their fictional books about the “End Times” on an eccentric and novel Protestant theory known as the secret “rapture,” which they claim will be a third, “invisible,” coming of Christ to snatch away all “true Christians” from the earth before the terrors of the Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist begin.

Are these End Times stories merely a harmless diversion for rapture-believing Protestants and curious Catholics? Or is there something more dangerous in the theology and attitudes this mushrooming “rapture industry” is promoting?

Get the facts in this explosive audio set by best-selling Catholic author and apologist Patrick Madrid as he’s joined by Carl Olson, a prolific Catholic writer, apologist, and convert from Protestant Fundamentalism. Together, they examine the problems with the Left Behind books and explain exactly what the Bible really says — and doesn’t say —about the rapture, the Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ. An excellent resource to share with your Evangelical and Fundamentalist Protestant friends!

Special Notes:

2 audio CDs

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