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Blessed Imelda: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]
Blessed Imelda: Glory Stories MP3 [Download]
Let the Children Come to Me - The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini (Patroness of First Communicants): This moving story teaches children about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist through the miraculous story of this little Italian girl.
Allow your children to be inspired by these stories of the lives of the saints. Watch as your children's imaginations are captured as they listen to these professionally produced dramatizations. The Glory Stories tell the true stories of the lives of holy people of God and are catechetical and entertaining (to both children and adults)! Every story teaches a truth of the Catholic Faith and listeners get to know saints who set inspiring examples for youngsters to emulate in their early walk of Faith.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have purchased these downloads, you will receive an email with a link to download them to your computer. From there, you can upload them to any listening device you own!
(Run time approx. 15 minutes)